Thursday, October 05, 2006


Harold Ford Jr. Agrees With Matthew Hill, Local Vet Doesn't

Yesterday's Johnson City Press featured the following letter to the editor, which was not supportive of Matthew Hill:
Vets should back a vet
I read in the newspaper that someone has started an organization for veterans who support state Rep. Matthew Hill, R-Jonesborough. It strikes me as odd that Hill — not being a veteran — is getting support against someone who proudly wore the uniform and showed his patriotism for our country.
I urge veterans to vote for a man (former Washington County Sheriff Fred Phillips) who was brave enough to serve his country over someone who wasn't.
CRAIG D., Jonesborough
Also, I find it interesting that Harold Ford Jr. was endorsed by the Professional Firefighters Association of Tennessee primarily because he is one of about two people in Tennessee who support Matthew Hill’s firefighter unionization agenda.
"It was a no-brainer for us," said Gary Moore, who is with the Professional Firefighters Association of Tennessee.

Moore cited Ford's support of federal legislation to give firefighters and law enforcement officers the right to collectively bargain with their employers.
And lastly, I want to point out that Matthew Hill has been throwing a big fit about Fred Phillips not being endorsed by the NRA, even though they did give Phillips an “A” rating. In the 21st District Tennessee State Senate race, Republican Bob Krumm is doing exactly the same thing as Fred Phillips. Krumm is proudly advertising his “A” rating even though his Democratic opponent has been endorsed by the NRA. I really believe that Matthew Hill isn't smart enough to realize that while an "A" rating is good to the NRA, it's not the same as an endorsement.

great (?) minds think alike...altough the Tennessean article does not mention anywhere that Ford either endorsed the candiacy of Rep. Matthew Hill or Hill's state legislation.
No, there's no official endorsement. Harold Ford Jr. and Matthew Hill just agree on this one point that everyone else in Tennessee opposes.
The NRA Political Victory Fund will issue the "A+" rating to only incumbent legislators...

And Rep. Matthew Hill was not quoted in the Press as providing that information to Washington County voters!
Naturally, Matthew Hill was being deceptive when he said Phillips didn't have an A+ rating. That, or he didn't even know himself.
I am not a big fan of either Mr. Hill or Mr. Phillips. However, I do know that Mr. Hill was to young to have protested the Vietnam War.
That has to be a lie. There are to many lies already in the political arena. This lie just may be a good reason for me to vote for Mr. Hill. Also, we all know that both candidates are backed by big money. Unfortunatly, no one has a prayer of being elected without financial backing and neither party wants to talk about PAC Reform.
No one ever said Hill protested the Vietnam War. He protested against the U.S. military in Kosovo. Then he repeatedly said on air that if you question President Bush, you are unpatriotic. Phillips is receiving most of his money from individuals in the 7th District. Matthew Hill is receiving almost all of his money from groups outside the 7th District. He even has money from Atlanta!
I read in the Nov. 2, 2006 issue of the J.C. Press that M. Hill is now complaining about Fred Phillips receiving money from the State Democratic Party and Speaker Naifeh's PAC fund. Hill received money from the Rep. Dunn Pac fund, because Dunn wants to be Speaker of the House also.
For goodness sake you do have to run on a partisan ticket. Hill had better be glad that Phillips ran as a Democrat instead as a Republican (which he received lots of encouragement to do), or Hill would already be back in Bristol playing with his radio.
Hill is running on his record (or lack of one) and has no issues and his "lack of traction" in Nashville is finally haunting him.His latest temper outburst is evidence of his childish behavior.
Yeah, Hill's angry outburst seems to reveal his desperation.
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