Thursday, September 22, 2005


They liked TIGER when it only focused on Dems

Check out the following URL for the Tennessee Institute For Governmental Ethics And Reform:

Rep. Matthew Hill is apparently very ethically challenged as he "DID NOT RESPOND" to the TIGER survey form pertaining to legislative and ethical behavior within the Tennessee General Assembly! What gives??? I seem to recall that Rep. Matthew Blowhard was slumming across the 7th House District in Washington County and all the while implying that he somehow possessed a greater ethical reservoir than any of his opponents.

Based on the comments from this story, I believe that Hilly boy has been instructed to keep quiet when contacted by TIGER, a Republican founded organization.

Among the contributors listed for TIGER is the Gregory family of King Pharmaceuticals in Bristol, but the organization has not disclosed the amount of money it contributed.

“Your finances are less than transparent,” said panelist Dr. Anthony Nownes of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. “Why do you resist complete and full disclosure?”

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