Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Hilly boy's favorite family

Here is yet another Gregory owned interest that is headquartered at 340 Edgemont Ave. in Bristol, TN. Susan Gregory’s Ride Revolution is located out on the Johnson City "Motor Mile" (Bristol Highway) across the highway from Greystoke KIA-Jeep. Susan Gregory made sizeable campaign contributions to the TNCON PAC and to the MATTHEW HILL election campaign (at least $6000).

Recently I heard a local radio host on 92.7 talk about how much of a conflict of interest it is for Hilly boy and family to be so entwined with this Gregory property. Hopefully more people will continue to take notice.

Wanting to go to work for Susan Gregory at the Ride Revoluntion? Go to the America's Job Bank web site and do a search for ABJ job listing numbers 21370517 and 21383147...

I could be a mole.
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